
One of the most popular martial arts weapons, the nunchaku were derived from two different farming tools; the first of which was an old style horses bit and bridle called a muge (moo-geh), and the second was a tool used to pound grain or rice. Nunchaku come in different shapes and sizes. The most common types of nunchaku are the hakkakukei (hahk-kah-ku-kheh), which are octagonal shaped and maru-gata (mah-rue-gah-tah), which is round. Both are connected by three lengths of cord or a chain about three finger widths wide. Sometimes the nunchaku can be connected by a piece of vine called kanda (kahn-dah). The kanda was usually longer than the cord due to the fact that this type of connector could bind an adversaries' hands and head. The nunchaku are capable of blocking and striking, as well as trapping and throwing. The motions are not like those seen in movies but are more similar to the movements of the other weapons, like the bo or katana.


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